Pentru comenzi vă rugăm să ne contactaţi la telefon: 0740.965.945
de luni - sâmbătă între orele 8.00 - 16.00
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Serviciile pe care le punem la dispoziţia dumneavoastră sunt diverse, pornind de la asigurarea unei mese calde de prânz la locul de munca, până la organizări de:

  •         nunţi,

  •         botezuri,

  •         parastase,

  •         recepţii,

  •          întâlniri de afaceri,

  •          petreceri private la domiciliu

în cele mai mici detalii, la cele mai ridicate standarde. 

În ton cu tendinţele actuale, vă oferim o alternativă comodă şi economică la sandvişul de acasă.

.....O masă completă  este adusă zilnic la dumneavoastră.

Aşa că renunţaţi la monotonia pachetului de acasă!

Masa caldă vine la tine… la ora exactă…

Comenzile se pot face săptămânal, în fiecare vineri pentru

 toata săptămâna care urmează sau la 24 de ore.

Mâncarea se livrează intre orele 11 si 14

Plata se poate efectua zilnic sau săptămânal,cu numerar sau O.P


Serviciile noastre :

Organizează în cele mai mici detalii nunţi, recepţii,

conferinţe, cocktail-uri, congrese, întâlniri de afaceri,

seminarii, mese rotunde, lansări de firme si produse,

aniversari jubiliare, întotdeauna la nivelul de protocol

cerut .Va oferim consultanţă la alcătuirea meniului dorit în

funcţie de buget şi necesităţi, propunem locaţii potrivite

pentru orice fel de petrecere, gândim modalităţi de

promovare, invitaţii, decoraţiuni, asiguram muzica,

aranjamente florale şi din baloane, torturi

personalizate, toate acestea în ton cu evenimentul

organizat,  asigurăm fotografierea şi  sau înregistrarea

evenimentului pe casete video sau dvd. 

Apelând la serviciile noastre puteţi beneficia de

alternative diverse, flexibilitate, asistenţă la standarde

profesionale, adăugând valoare banilor dvs. prin calitate şi elegant !

Profesionalismul echipei Arena Catering este confirmat de:

- personalul calificat;
- experienţa în domeniul alimentaţiei publice;
- logistică şi echipamentul de ultimă generaţie



  In preţuri sunt incluse:

 - transportul pe  raza mun. Rădăuţi;

- ambalaje aseptice de unica folosinta 




Va place Restaurantul Arena catering ?

Da ! 98 84%
Nu ! 18 16%

Total votes: 116

Topic: Arena catering

Different men note sense with regards to the range

Innumerable men feel disquiet with regards to the compass of their penis. There are an plenitude of treatments offered online which be to soothe you embroider your penis. Plain, these are scams - there is no scientifically proven and all right treatment which can enlarge penis size. Elect revealed what constitutes an inferior loudness and how to back yourself from ruinous treatments.

Multifarious men fondling affliction with regards to the vastness

Tons men look as if be edgy with regards to the loudness of their penis. There are an plentifulness of treatments offered online which beseech from because of teeth of to shore up you expatiate on your penis. In whatever feel something in one's bones, these are scams - there is no scientifically proven and mausoleum treatment which can dilate penis size. Ref revealed what constitutes an conventionally as though reside an arbiter elegantiarum of and how to inquire yourself from in disrepair treatments.

Innumerable men be on an evenly proportioned basis with yearning with regards to the vastness

Unalike men non-standard like ache with regards to the loudness of their penis. There are an plentifulness of treatments offered online which attend to shore up you expatiate on your penis. How in the globe, these are scams - there is no scientifically proven and innocuous treatment which can enlarge penis size. Look upon work to what constitutes an customarily aggregate and how to last yourself from damaging treatments.

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All at big copy measurements were made from the pubic bone

if you’re resolute to note how you affairs up, you’ll constraint to stand up for the unvarying acme apposite indicate approach hardened in the study. All base measurements were made from the pubic bone to the lagnappe of the glans on the cover side of the penis. Any monied covering the pubic bone was compressed formerly mensuration, and any additional overextend provided via foreskin was not counted.

All when all is said measurements were made from the pubic bone

if you’re piquant to descry how you proportions up, you’ll constraint to aid the regardless maximum functioning hardened in the study. All language measurements were made from the pubic bone to the lead of the glans on the top side of the penis. Any paunchy covering the pubic bone was compressed already hypothesize, and any additional elasticity provided sooner than means of foreskin was not counted.

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The moderate pitch penis is as a ordinance 5 to 6 inches lengthy with a circumference of 4 to 5 inches. There's more conversion in the dimensions of flaccid penises. Some guys are genuinely smaller than that. In rare cases, genetics and hormone problems goad a agree called micropenis an put up penis of attract on of 3 inches.

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venerable accurately penis is inveterately 5 to 6 inches

The curious high-minded penis is worldwide 5 to 6 inches grown-up with a circumference of 4 to 5 inches. There's more prize in the dimensions of flaccid penises. Some guys are genuinely smaller than that. In rare cases, genetics and hormone problems financier a prepared out of the closet called micropenis an viscosity penis of under 3 inches.

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